
Looking for Normal

“Brownstone is a blaze of emotions…Her performance takes the cake as she gracefully contrasts humor with despair”…Performing Arts Monterey Bay.

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Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?

"Kristin Brownstone as Martha [is] superb getting into those spirited debates, fights, struggles with such relish the audience is sucked in within the first few lines of dialogue. There's not a moment when she's onstage, boozy, blousy and with pulchritude aplenty, that the audience isn't watching her.” - Joanne Engelhardt, San Jose Mercury News


Sweet Charity

"Kristin Brownstone has all the chops, and in spades. Singer, actor, dancer and beauty, she is vulnerable, appealing and gullible: she is Charity Hope Valentine." - Katie Hughes McKee, Santa Cruz Sentinel.


The Elephant Man

"Kristin Brownstone is also, along with Mr. Psarras, a true star of this production as she takes on the role of Merrick's closest friend and ally." - Eddie Reynolds, Talkin' Broadway

“Mrs. Kendal, warmly portrayed by Kristin Brownstone” - Sam Hurwitt, San Jose Mercury News



“A winner in Kristin Brownstone as Tracey…” - Joanne Englehardt, San Jose Mercury News.


Rapture, Blister, Burn

"Kristin Brownstone drives the scenes brilliantly" - Mark Gonzalez, The Road to 1,000.



"Brownstone captures the diva, Claudia, with just the right mix of ego and insecurity" - Jeanie K. Smith, San Francisco Bay Times

"Brownstone’s duets with Reynolds in “A Man Like You” and “Unusual Way” at the top of Act 2 are particularly well done..." - Ande Jacobsen, A Good Reed Review

"Kristin Brownstone brings a Grace Kelly-like, centered loveliness and detachment to the role of film star Claudia Nardi.." - Paul Myrvold, Out and About Magazine



"Kristin Brownstone shines in a complex three-part role, making the quick changes between teacher, psychologist and waitress written into the dialogue work seamlessly." - Liz Hamill, Metro San Jose

"Dr. Zavala (a wonderfully over-the-top Kristin Brownstone)" - Karen d'Souza, "San Jose Mercury News"


Harold and Maude

“Brownstone gets to be an over-the-top society snob who is not above hunting for an unsuspecting female on which to dump Harold. She's hilarious……” - Joanne Engelhardt, San Jose Mercury News

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"....Gertrude, (a thoughtful Kristin Brownstone)" - Karen d'Souza, San Jose Mercury News


Rabbit Hole

"The ensemble cast of "Rabbit Hole," chosen by director Victoria Rue, is superb. Kristin Brownstone and Steve Capasso, as Becca and Howie, hit all the right notes as the nice couple who lives next door to you..." - Katie Hughes McKee, Santa Cruz Sentinel



"Kristin Brownstone (Amy), a crisp, confident performer who radiated every time she stepped onstage.....Brownstone merrily nails the tongue-twisting “Not Getting Married Today. - Walter Ryce, Monterey County Weekly

“Kristin Brownstone, as the highly neurotic Amy, decides in a wildly high-flying patter song, ‘I’m Not Getting Married Today', a real showstopper.” - Nathalie Plotkin, The Monterey Herald



“Kristin Brownstone is a winner as Gertrude” - Ann Bennett, Santa Cruz Sentinel